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  • Q: What is the difference between a trademark and a copyright?
    A trademark is a symbol, logo, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. A source identifier for goods or services. A copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator/creator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work.
  • Q: Do I have to have a business to register a trademark?
    No, it is not a requirement that your business or company be registered before putting in your trademark application. They can occur at the same time, or one can go before the other.
  • Q: I searched my trademark in the database and nothing came up, does that mean the name is available?
    Not necessarily. Just because a general search did not come back with anything does not mean you are in the clear. A comprehensive search of the database is necessary to determine the likelihood of success for your trademark.
  • Q: Do I have to have a search completed or can I file immediately?
    A search is not required but is highly recommended so that you save yourself time and money in the future. This will also help to determine likelihood of success for the trademark and provide an opportunity for a thorough review by the attorney.
  • Q: What are trademark classes?
    The United States Patent and Trademark office requires a “classification” for all applications. Simply put: the office needs to know what goods and or services you plan to sell or offer. Everything has a different classification or grouping in the system, depending on what you plan to offer, the application fee could increase if there is more than one class listed on your application.
  • Q: I already submitted a trademark application, but I now have a problem, can you help?
    For trademarks that were not filed through A.R.Washington, PLLC, attorney requires a consultation regarding the trademark and application and during this consultation attorney will determine if the application is something that the firm will take on. Depending on the type of “fix” for the application, there may be additional fees associated with responding to an office action.
  • Q: How does payment work?
    Invoices are sent via email through PayPal and are due upon receipt. Services will not be rendered until the agreement is signed and the invoice is paid.
  • Q: Non-Refundable Fees and Refund Policy
    All fees that are paid to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, The United States Copyright Office, and any State Business Regulatory office are non-refundable. Fees that are paid for legal services to the attorney are not subject to a refund.
  • Q: The application is submitted, now what?
    Once an application for a trademark has been submitted, there is a waiting period in which that application is pending assignment to an examiner for their review. This could take anywhere from 6-8 months. Once the application has been assigned to an examiner, it could take another 3 months, or more, for the examiner to respond to the application. During this time, there is nothing further for the attorney or client to do regarding the application and the attorney will contact the client promptly with updates regarding their application, as soon as they are received.
  • Q: How do I book?
    A consultation call is required for all new clients. It is $50 for 30 minutes and in that time all questions relating to my services and your needs can be answered. Use the link to book:
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